NEPA is an important environmental law that requires analysis of impacts, alternatives, and mitigation measures for all major federal actions affecting the environment, both within the territorial boundaries of the United States and at foreign military installations. Government agencies, private businesses, public interest organizations, and other groups involved in the NEPA process need individuals who have been trained in decision-making, analysis, and documentation aspects of NEPA, as well as the accompanying Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and various agencies’ NEPA implementing procedures.
The NEPA Certificate Program was designed to prepare natural resource and environmental professionals to meet the challenges of complying with the act and working effectively on NEPA documents. We believe participants who successfully complete the program will have a solid understanding of both the spirit and the letter of the law, and will be more effective members of interdisciplinary teams responsible for developing NEPA documents.
The Department of Environment and Society (ENVS) at Utah State University (USU) and the Shipley Group, Inc. (Shipley) have formed a partnership to provide a certificate program that offers training related to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The program uses the Shipley Group schedule of courses. The program can be completed using either short-courses offered in various locations across the country, or online using webinars developed in the short-course format, or a combination of short-courses and webinars.