Simple Present Test

This simple present test asks you to choose the correct verb for the sentences. Do you know how to form present sentences? Find out with this exercise and improve your English grammar.

Simple Present Test

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Choose the correct option for these sentences.

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Question 1 of 10
1 . Question
I __________ piano. Question 2 of 10
2 . Question
She __________ French. Question 3 of 10
3 . Question
They __________ in Tokyo. Question 4 of 10
4 . Question
Susan __________ jazz music. Question 5 of 10
5 . Question
The students __________ many pencils. Question 6 of 10
6 . Question
The boy__________ to school. Question 7 of 10
7 . Question
Jane and Bill __________ in an office. Question 8 of 10
8 . Question
The cats __________ in the house. Question 9 of 10
9 . Question
Rick __________ every day. Question 10 of 10
10 . Question
The school __________ many teachers.

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Simple Present Test 1
Simple Present Test 2
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