Tax Return Forms
NOTE: Tax return forms and supporting documents must be filed electronically (see Electronic Services) or submitted on paper. Do NOT submit disks, USB flash drives, or any other form of electronic media. Electronic media cannot be processed and will be destroyed.
General Forms
Sales/Use Tax
Fuel Tax
Income/Estate Tax
- Individual Income Tax (1040ME)
- Corporate Income Tax (1120ME)
- Estate Tax (706ME)
- Franchise Tax (1120B-ME)
- Fiduciary Income Tax (1041ME)
- Insurance Tax
- Real Estate Withholding (REW)
- Worksheets for Tax Credits
- Electronic Request Form to request individual income tax forms
Tax Relief
- Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement (BETR)
- Employment Tax Increment Financing (ETIF) Note: This link is offsite.
- Pine Tree Development (PTDZ) Program
- Additional Tax Relief
Other Taxes
- Blueberry
- Cannabis Excise Tax
- Cigarette
- Health Care Provider
- Hospital
- Initiator of Deposit
- Mahogany Quahog
- Milk Handling Fee
- Potato
- Tobacco
Employment Taxes